Let's Fight a Boss

Ep 157: True Goddess Metempsychosis

Episode Summary

Look, we’re playing a lot of Atlus games at the moment. Stick around until the end, when we give out our holy and virtuous gaming predictions for the year ahead.

Episode Notes

Look, we’re playing a lot of Atlus games at the moment. Stick around until the end, when we give out our holy and virtuous gaming predictions for the year ahead.

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EMAIL: askletsfightaboss@gmail.com

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INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/letsfightaboss

Quest Log:

Dexter: New Blood, Boiling Point, Reservation Dogs, Cheer, Hacks, Palm Springs

Strategy Talk:

Pupperazzi, Jack Bros., Shin Megami Tensei V, Halo Infinite

Quicktime Events:

- Shenmue and Cuphead animated series adaptations are looking cool

- Awesome Games Done Quick raises over $3.4 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation

- Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi opens a new studio called Nagoshi Studio (he’s the CEO)

- Three Star Wars video games in development from Respawn

- Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard in a 68.7 billion dollar deal (Bobby Kotick to remain as CEO until the deal closes)

Loot Drop:


Hikaru Utada - 宇多田ヒカル『Find Love』Live ver. - https://youtu.be/6Xa\_buSI01c

Go_A - ШУМ- https://youtu.be/sDeMfL8Ib9A


FD Signifier on YouTube - Drake and the Death of Hip Hop - https://youtu.be/mtBPXjEoW54


The Art of The Mitchells vs. the Machines - https://mvmbook.netflixawards.com

The Art of LUCA - https://disney-studios-awards.s3.amazonaws.com/luca/books/flipH45pEt23wR/index.html

Games Done Quick on YouTube - Part Time UFO by ykrin in 26:59 - https://youtu.be/84epGvxqEPA


Oni Dino - https://twitter.com/Oni_Dino

Outro Music:

Twinkle Park on SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/twinklepark/lets-fight-a-boss-outro-theme