Let's Fight a Boss

Ep 135: The Emerald Drift

Episode Summary

We actually talk about video games in this episode!

Episode Notes

We actually talk about video games in this episode!

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/LFAB

EMAIL: askletsfightaboss@gmail.com

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LetsFightABoss

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/letsfightaboss

Quest Log:

I Care a Lot, Unpregnant, Standing Up, Falling Down, Mean Girls

Strategy Talk:

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, Bravely Default 2, Little Nightmares II, Persona 5 Strikers, Project TRIANGLE STRATEGY Demo, Guilty Gear -Strive- Open Beta Test, hack your PSP

Quicktime Events:

- Nintendo Direct February 2021

- The new Mortal Kombat film adaptation is ready to FIGHT!

- Bloober Team hints it could be working on a new Silent Hill game

- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Delayed Indefinitely

- Anthem dies for a second and final time...

- Sony State of Play February 2021

- 25th Anniversary Pokémon Direct

Loot Drop:

Russian Cat Lady - https://youtu.be/p9P1DmgXOCg

PS5 Ireland Stock Alert - https://twitter.com/ps5\_ireland


Unfinishe‪d: Short Creek Podcast - https://www.witnesspodcasts.com/shows/unfinished-short-creek


Atrocity Guide on YouTube - The Dolphin House - https://youtu.be/UziFw-jQSks


Brandon James Greer on YouTube - Same Sprite Remade Every Year - https://youtu.be/DS6-zIM-dp4


Oni Dino - https://twitter.com/Oni_Dino

Outro Music:

Twinkle Park on SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/twinklepark/lets-fight-a-boss-outro-theme